Integrating “Being” and “Doing” in Emotion-Focused Therapy
Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT), also known as process-experiential psychotherapy, integrates person-centered, gestalt, and existential...
Creating An Inner Relationship with Self
This paper[1] pointed out that “Clearing a Space” should not be done as a Finding Distant technique but as an Inner Relationship...
Focusing on Focusing
This is a very philosophical paper[1]. It explores the philosophical implication underlying the practice of focusing. It brings out the...
The Power of Listening
This paper[1] discussed three purposes of listening. The first purpose is compared with Rogers’ stated purpose for “reflection of...
從事輔導工作多年,參加不少心理治療工作坊,參考過不少有關的著作,近年亦參與不同的輔導學培訓工作。在這個行業的發展歷程上,我不停地探討一個最基本的問題,就是:什麼是輔導的最終目標?怎樣才可以協助受助者達到這個目標? 尋尋覓覓,究本清源,卻發現我們每個人都是在不停的找尋一個真正...
The Role of Mindfulness Practice in Person-Centered Therapy
Introduction This paper aims at integrating and concluding my own experience of practicing mindfulness meditation as a therapist and...