Use of Language and Silence in Person-Centered Therapy
Introduction The Buddhist teachings on emptiness are apparently very philosophical and abstract to the novice. It is not uncommon to...
沒有甚麼比情緒更能拉近人與人的關係,也沒有甚麼比情緒更容易推遠人與人的距離 。 阿強下班回家,帶著疲乏的身軀,纏繞腦中的仍是今早給上司責難的情境,實在不是味兒,滿肚子的氣還未能抒洩。剛踏入家中,妻子阿芬忙著在廚房準備晚飯,沒有理睬阿強;...
Integrating “Being” and “Doing” in Emotion-Focused Therapy
Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT), also known as process-experiential psychotherapy, integrates person-centered, gestalt, and existential...
根據人本治療法 (Person-Centered Therapy) 的理念,孩子就如一粒種子、一棵幼苗,生而具有成長及成熟的本能,他們有能力去經驗內心深層的感受,包括一切喜怒哀懼。他們若能以包容無懼的態度去探索這內在的經驗,他們便可以更有創意和彈力的面對自己的世界,選取最適...
Creating An Inner Relationship with Self
This paper[1] pointed out that “Clearing a Space” should not be done as a Finding Distant technique but as an Inner Relationship...
Focusing on Focusing
This is a very philosophical paper[1]. It explores the philosophical implication underlying the practice of focusing. It brings out the...
The Power of Listening
This paper[1] discussed three purposes of listening. The first purpose is compared with Rogers’ stated purpose for “reflection of...
The Person as Active Agent
A very important concept intrinsic to all experiential psychotherapies is that the client is an active, agentic, creative, integrative...
生活在這個人煙稠密、人人熙來攘往的彈丸之地, 每天匆匆忙忙的上班,擠在寸步難移的地鐵車廂内,每個人都拿著智能手機,爭取每一分、每一秒的時間看劇集、閱報、打遊戲機、跟人閒聊…真是忙過不停。隨著科技的進步,人類的生活已邁向一個新的里程碑,我們可以將電子文件、圖片、視訊等等全部放...