The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement.
Workshops on Emotion Focused Interventions
All about
Emotion Focused Interventions
G01 Understanding and Working with Different Emotions in Social Work Clinical Practice
E01 The Essentials of Emotion Focused Interventions: Therapeutic Presence and Empathic Attunement
E02 Learning Emotion Focused Interventions: Tracking Emotional Experience through Narrative Process
E03 Transdiagnostic Emotion Focused Interventions: Authentic Encounter through Chair Dialogue for Depression
E04 Mastering Emotion Focused Interventions: Authentic Encounter through Chair Dialogue for Anxiety
E05 Integrative Emotion Focused Interventions for Childhood Interpersonal Complex Trauma
C01 Enhancing Emotional Connection in Couple Relationship using Emotion Focused Interventions
C02 Healing Emotional Injuries in Couple Relationship using Emotion Focused Interventions
P01 Enhancing Parent-Child Relationship and Parenting Skills using Emotion Focused Interventions
G01 探索並任運於不同情緒的互動中:社會工作臨床實務介入手法
Understanding and Working with Different Emotions
in Social Work Clinical Practice
Enrollment for workshop in December 2024 at Caritas HEAT
Working with different emotions has been a core difficulty in social work clinical practice. This workshop aims at exploring and understanding the nature and functions of each of the major categorical emotions, namely anger, sadness, fear, shame and compassion. Anger can be destructive when it is under-regulated while it can be very empowering when it is expressed assertively. Sadness can be overwhelming when we experience losses while it can be soothing if it can be expressed in a goal-directed path. Fear can be survival-threatening to us which makes us run away from, yet it can strengthen our sense of existence if we dare to stay and live with it. Shame is a soul-eating emotion which makes us feel shrinking, but it is the most honest emotion telling us who we are. Apart from exploring different emotions individually, it is even more important to understand how they are intimately intertwined with each other and how they interplay with each other to appear as a complexity of mixed emotions. With the unconditional acceptance and embracing compassion, we can truly be ourselves with all our apparently unpleasant emotions which are in fact friendly guidance of our core needs.
With an in-depth understanding of different emotions, we shall be able to choose appropriate intervention strategies and skills to help those suffering from overwhelming or detached emotions. This workshop introduces how to use a process-experiential emotion-focused therapeutic approach to facilitate corrective emotional changes.
This workshop aims at:
furnishing an in-depth understanding of different categorical emotions, namely anger, sadness, fear, shame and compassion
equipping the perceptual skills of using a process-experiential approach
learning how to make emotion assessment
learning how to choose appropriate emotion-focused interventions to facilitate emotional awareness, expression and reflection
Course Outline
Exploring the nature and functions of anger, sadness, fear, shame and compassion
Exploring how different emotions interplay with each other
Differentiated interventions of different empathic responses
Empathic attunement – diving into emotional experience
Empathic affirmation – containing vulnerable emotions
Empathic exploration – allowing emotional expression
Accessing and staying with emotional experience
E01 同在與共情: 情緒導向介入手法之精髓
The Essentials of Emotion-Focused Interventions:
Therapeutic Presence and Empathic Attunement
Enrollment for workshop in February 2025 at Caritas HEAT
As a helping profession, maintaining therapeutic presence is the most fundamental and essential foundation from which we can scaffold our therapeutic work in an effective way. Presence is the pre-requisite for active listening, empathic attunement and making appropriate empathic responses. Presence can enhance our ability to listen accurately and to make deep connection with our clients. It is also the base for building up a collaborative working relationship with our clients. With a strong bonding with our clients, the drop-out rate is drastically decreased. Paradoxically, the more we can be present with our clients, the lesser risk of burnt-out we would have. This workshop is aiming at giving a practical guide to cultivating therapeutic presence so that we can build up a therapeutic relationship efficiently and effectively.
Empathic attunement is a continuous flow of moment-to-moment interpersonal experiences. It is a mindful and bodily felt process supporting our capacity to communicate our empathic understanding accurately and to engage our clients in the process of deeper exploration. This workshop would lay a solid foundation for further learning on other process-experiential approaches and emotion-focused interventions.
This workshop aims at:
1. mastering the skills of daily practice in cultivating therapeutic presence
2. equipping the skills in developing therapeutic relationship and alliance
3. enhancing the ability of active listening and empathic attunement
4. learning how to select differentiated interventions of empathic response
5. promoting the interest, confidence, and skills in working with clients in an experiential way
6. laying a solid foundation for further learning on process-experiential approach of interventions
Course Outline
1. Cultivating therapeutic presence
2. Barriers to therapeutic presence
3. Therapeutic relationship and alliance
4. Empathic attunement
5. Communicating empathy
6. Selecting therapeutic targets
7. Choosing differentiated interventions of empathic response
8. Developing collaborative therapeutic alliance
9. Ruptures and repair
Participants' Feedback
Trainer provides in-depth explanation with real cases
E02 追隨故事中的情緒經驗: 學習情緒導向介入手法
Learning Emotion-Focused Interventions:
Tracking Emotional Experience through Narrative Process
Enrollment for workshop in April 2025 at Caritas HEAT
People come to the counseling room with their life stories. All stories are shaped by emotional themes and the process of telling stories help one make sense of one’s emotions. The interplay between emotion and narrative is a dynamic process. An understanding of narrative process can enhance emotion-focused interventions efficiently and effectively. Working on emotional experience using experiencing-based tasks can help re-construct the meaning of narrative. Hence, understanding the narrative expression is the basis for facilitating emotional change and co-constructing a coherent sense of self. This workshop aims at addressing this parallel interacting process between emotional experience and narrative construction, while working towards corrective emotional experience, reflection on narrative meaning, new story outcomes and eventually a new emergence of self.
This workshop aims at:
equipping the skills of listening and tracking the narrative-emotion process
learning how to identify markers for different therapeutic tasks
learning how to facilitate experiencing-based therapeutic tasks
learning how to enhance emotional expression
learning how to reprocess emotional experience
learning how to evoke and contain the re-telling of difficult emotional experience
learning how to co-construct reflection and meaning making work with clients
Course Outline
Learning the following emotion-focused interventions step-by-step:
Empathic attunement – understanding narrative expression and differentiated use of empathic responses
Empathic affirmation – working on vulnerable emotions
Accessing emotional experience – experiential focusing
Allowing emotional expression
Reprocessing emotional experience – systematic evocative unfolding
Retelling of difficult emotional experience
Making meaning of emotional experience
Participants' Feedback
E03 透過椅子對話與您走出幽谷: 跨診斷情緒導向介入手法
Transdiagnostic Emotion-Focused Interventions:
Authentic Encounter through Chair Dialogue
for People with Depressive Symptoms
Enrollment for workshop in June 2025 at Caritas HEAT
Depression is one of the most common and debilitating mental health problems in Hong Kong. An estimate of 1 in 7 people in Hong Kong will experience a common mental disorder at any given time (Mind HK: 2021). People suffer from depression are not only overwhelmed with a cluster of feelings such as sadness, anxiety, suppressed anger, discouragement, helplessness, alienation, and hopelessness, but also experience an embodiment of poor self-image, diminishing sense of identity and pessimistic worldview. People with depressive symptoms disclaim their emotions and try to stay away from their core painful emotions. This dysfunctional way to cope with the painful emotions is how depression becoming problematic.
This workshop aims at introducing how to use a transdiagnostic emotion focused approach to work with people manifesting depressive symptoms. Most people, who suffer from mental health difficulties like depression, usually present symptomatic disturbances, such as prolonged low mood, lack in motivation, insomnia, suicidal ideation, etc. Emotion Focused Therapy is not just working on symptoms treatment or reduction of presenting symptomatic emotions, but addressing underlying feelings and needs with the goal of transforming core painful feelings.
This workshop aims at equipping participants with practical emotion-focused intervention skills in the process of therapeutic change using transdiagnostic emotion focused case conceptualization.
This workshop aims at equipping the following emotion-focused intervention skills step-by-step:
how to cultivate therapeutic presence with people with depressive symptoms
how to enhance empathic attunement with people with depressive symptoms
how to do emotion assessment and to select differentiated empathic responses
how to measure productive and unproductive emotions in session
how to enhance clients’ awareness of internal experience
how to give a rationale for working with emotions
how to establish a collaborative focus in each session
how to facilitate chair dialogues
how to build up support for contacting emotions
how to evoke and arouse maladaptive feelings
how to remove interruptions to emotional experience
how to facilitate accessing primary emotions
how to transform core maladaptive emotions
how to encourage reflection on emotional experience
how to consolidate the newly emerged sense of self
Course Outline
Understanding the phenomena of depression from an emotion focused point of view
Transdiagnostic emotion focused case conceptualization
Understanding the role of emotion in depression
Importance of therapeutic presence
Empathic attunement and validation
Principles of treatment
Therapeutic process of transformation
Different variations of chair dialogue
Other clinical issues related to depression: suicide, bereavement, couple relationship
Participants' Feedback
Detailed explanations on critical concepts and practices
Clear and systematic explanations on theoretical foundation of EFT
E04 透過椅子對話與您轉化驚恐: 深化情緒導向介入手法
Mastering Emotion-Focused Interventions:
Authentic Encounter through Chair Dialogue
for People with Anxiety Symptoms
Enrollment for workshop at Caritas HEAT (date to be confirmed)
E05 與您走出陰霾: 整合情緒導向介入手法
Integrative Emotion-Focused Interventions for
Childhood Interpersonal Complex Trauma
Enrollment for workshop in October 2024 at Caritas HEAT
This workshop aims at introducing an integrative model of emotion focused interventions on working with people who have experienced childhood interpersonal complex trauma. Every experienced and seasoned practitioner should develop a unique working model based on his/her attained knowledge base and intervention strategies. The goal is to help the above-said specific clientele becoming a holistic integrative person by resuming a reorganized sense of self.
The model introduced in this workshop is a theoretical integration including attachment theory, person-centered therapy, Gestalt therapy, contemporary emotion theory, neuroscience, mindfulness, existential therapy, and narrative analysis. It is fundamentally a dialectical process-experiential approach. Different intervention strategies based on the above framework would be discussed and demonstrated with case examples.
This workshop aims at equipping the practitioners with the following emotion focused intervention skills step-by-step:
how to re-discover safety and stability to support client engagement in re-experiencing traumatic experience
how to assess client’s readiness for emotion-focused interventions on traumatic experience
how to re-visit and re-experience trauma memories without re-traumatization
how to facilitate experiential focusing to enhance experiencing
how to do two-chair enactment to unlock intrapersonal barriers
how to conduct imaginal confrontation (IC) procedure for emotional re-processing and transformation
when to use empathic exploration (EE) as an alternative to IC for accessing traumatic experience
when and how to conduct self-soothing work for strengthening the distressed self
how to re-construct personal meaning for integration and consolidation
Course Outline
understanding the characteristics of childhood interpersonal complex trauma
indicators and contraindicators for using emotion focused interventions
how to prepare and engage clients for re-processing traumatic experience
understanding the role of emotion in traumatic experience
understanding the emotional process of transformation
how to use the integrative model for contingencies in the treatment of childhood interpersonal complex trauma
Social Workers, Counselors, Clinical Psychologists, and other helping professionals. Those with some backgrounds in Emotion-Focused Therapy, Focusing, Mindfulness, Somatic Experiencing, or Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy would be an asset.
Participants' Feedback
C01 促進情侶關係中的情感連繫: 情緒導向介入手法
Enhancing Emotional Connection in Couple Relationship
using Emotion-Focused Interventions
Enrollment for workshop at Caritas HEAT (date to be confirmed)
Working with couples is becoming an important domain in social work practice in different settings other than family service. Couples therapy (marital counseling) has grown out from traditional family therapy into an independent discipline of mental health intervention over the past three decades. A new paradigm shift occurs in the treatment of couple distress with the exponential growth in research on emotion, attachment, and neuroscience. The intertwinement of emotional and relational processes becomes central in intimate relationships. Emotion-focused couples therapy (EFT-C) has outgrown other approaches in the treatment of couple distress as an evidence-based approach. It is an integration of experiential-humanistic approach and systemic approach in couples therapy. It is grounded in the person-centered relational attitudes and integrates contemporary emotion theory, interaction and communication theory with the methods of enactment in structural approach and Gestalt therapy. EFT-C proposes that it is emotion that fuels couples conflict and accessing to alternate emotion is the ultimate antidote to those conflicts. Enduring self change and couple change are achieved through emotion transformation and restructuring of new couple interaction.
This workshop aims at:
equipping a preliminary grounding of the theoretical foundations of emotion-focused couples therapy
enhancing the ability to cultivate and to balance effective therapeutic relationship and alliance with couples
providing an understanding of different emotions arising in couples therapy setting
introducing different therapeutic tasks in working with emotions in couple relationship
enhancing the interest, confidence and skills in working with emotions in couple relationship
Course Outline
Attachment theory and EFT-C
Emotion theory and EFT-C
Overview of the five stages of EFT-C
Stage 1 Validation and balancing therapeutic relationship
Stage 2 Identifying couple’s emotion interaction
Stage 3 Accessing underlying emotions in couple interaction
Stage 4 Emotion healing in couple relationship
Stage 5 Consolidating new interactions and enrichment
C02 治愈情侶關係中的情感創傷: 情緒導向介入手法
Healing Emotional Injuries in Couple Relationship
using Emotion-Focused Interventions
To be announced
P01 促進親子關係及親職技能: 情緒導向介入手法
Enhancing Parent-Child Relationship and Parenting Skills
using Emotion-Focused Interventions
Enrollment for workshop at Caritas HEAT (date to be confirmed)
Being an emotion coach as a parent to the beloved children plays a significant role in the children’s mental health and well-being. The therapist’s role is to empower and support the parents in mastering skills of parenting as an emotion coach. Emotion coach is just as important to those caregivers working with children in schools, hospitals and residential hostels.
Some children, in their developmental stage, may develop psychological symptoms and maladaptive behaviors such as anxiety, depression and eating disorder. Some children may encounter stressful life events such as parental divorce, diagnosis of a special learning need and placement in foster care. They need someone to coach them to approach, to process and manage their stress and emotional distress, and to cope with their symptoms. Sometimes relationship rupture between the parents and the children needs to be repaired. Last but not the least, parents and caregivers as emotion coach may also encounter emotional obstacles, such as fear, resentment and helplessness, dissipating the effectiveness in their efforts. Emotion-Focused Therapy, based on the transformative power of emotion and the healing power of connection, provides a model to facilitate parents and caregivers in becoming an emotion coach for the children.
Course Outline
Emotion Basics
Why focused on emotions
Understand emotions: anger, sadness, fear, shame and happiness
Emotional triggers, bodily felt sense, label of feelings, thoughts (meaning making), need and action tendency
Emotion assessment: primary (adaptive and maladaptive), secondary and instrumental emotions
Therapeutic Relationship
Empathic attunement
Dealing with one’s own emotions as an emotion coach
Relationship repair
8 steps of emotion coaching
Awareness of emerging emotion and attending to the emotion
Opportunities for bonding and teaching
Empathizing and validating the emotion
Naming the emotion
Exploring the emotion
Meeting the need
Strengthening positive emotional experiencing (enhancing potentials)
Regulating negative emotional experiencing (developing resilience)
Setting behavioral limits
Co-constructing a new narrative
Transforming into adaptive actions
All the above workshops are conducted in the following format
Training Format
Didactic presentations
Case presentation and discussion
Experiential exercises
Simulated practice of counseling sessions
Medium of Instruction
Cantonese supplemented with English
Training Materials
Mainly in English
2 days
Social workers, counselors, clinical psychologists and other helping professionals who are working with parents and children